Starting this Thursday the 28th until next Thursday May 5th, I’m a part of three different events. Perhaps you haven’t seen me around, you know, we’re all coming out of that hibernation. But I’ve also been rehabilitating form a pretty serious knee injury. Are you feeling like you need to get out, engage your senses and experience some art? Come check out these events! Or maybe we haven’t seen each other all winter and you want to come see me actually out and about…walking! What ever you’re feeling, your support will be very much appreciated <3
HEXENNACHT – Thursday April 28th at Logan’s doors at 9pm
Witches Night, an evening filled with dangerously noise Womyn
\\10:15 – Artopilot: Come taste the ritual.
Engage all your senses in this interactive, noisy, performance art piece. Incorporates field recordings, a massive pedal (thanks to Matt Lee), objects used during Christine’s knee disruption, and some of her favourite props…tea and the audience.
Check out the Facebook event here:
NeuzFest 2016 – Saturday April 30th at Intrepid Theatre doors at 12pm (noon)
In Noisey celebration of International Noise Awareness Week
\\9:30 – Untitled
This experimental, jam based noise duo will get you out of your seat. Pedals, an accordion, kitchen utensils and other found objects will create a noisy and interactive experience. Come get weird with us.
Check out the Facebook even here:
150 BIKE WHEELS LATER – The Ministry of Casual Living May 1st-5th
Come help the bike dome come to life!
This event starts off with a workshop, followed by three days of the artist working in the space, ending with a closing reception to celebrate the work that’s been created. People are invited to come get creative and decorate the wheels! The artist needs to transform many wheels in order to complete the installation she wants to bring to Other World this summer. She realized the wheels store and stack best if the cogs and spokes are removed. This left just the rims all bare and boring! Decorating the insides with strings seemed to be the best way to beautify the rims. She also recently started experimenting with DIY strings of LED’s using old speaker wire and batter packs. Christine loves to collaborate with others. If you’re feeling like you need to get your hands moving, come down to the space and make art!
Check out the Facebook event here:
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